Tuesdays with Morrie Chapter 1 ~ 3 (pg.1~17)

Tuesdays with Morrie  Chapter 1 ~ 3 (pg.1~17)

이 책은 Mitch가 Morrie 교수님의 알츠하이머병 소식을 알고 찾아가서 죽기 전까지 Morrie 교수님에게 들었던 인생 수업, 그리고 Mitch가 대학시절 Morrie 교수님 사회학 수업에서 배웠던 감동적인 수업에 대한 이야기이다. 『 The subject was The Meaning Life. It was taught from experience. ~~ Many topics were covered, including love, work, community, family, aging, forgiveness, and finally death. The last lecture was brief, only a few words. ~~ you were expected to produce one long paper on what was learned. That paper is presented here. The last class of my old professor’s life had only one student...........

원문링크 : Tuesdays with Morrie Chapter 1 ~ 3 (pg.1~17)