재미있고 신나는 AI 관련 유머 5가지 feat. 뤼튼

재미있고 신나는 AI 관련 유머 5가지 feat. 뤼튼

#유머 #개그 #퀴즈 Instagram의 Highai님 : "#청룡의해 #파랑 #blue 주제 #유머 #조크 Here is a blue-related joke: Why did the seagull get kicked out of the bar? Because he was a blue jay bird. This joke is funny because it is a pun. A blue jay bird is a type of bird, but it is also a slang term for someone who is drunk. The joke is that the seagull was kicked out of the bar because he was drunk, but the bartender actually thought he was a blue jay bird. Here is another one: What do you call a blue elephant? A bluephant...

#AI교육 #실무교육 #온보딩교육 #유머 #중간관리자교육 #챗gpt #챗GPT활용AI교육대전환 #코미디 #퀴즈 #클로바엑스 #팀빌딩 #프롬프트 #프롬프트디자인 #프롬프트엔지니어 #세이노의가르침 #사내교육 #AI교육서비스 #AI명언 #AI유머 #AI활용교육 #gptchat #hrd #강사교육 #개그 #관리자교육 #기업교육 #기업교육업체 #바드 #빙 #프롬프트엔지니어링

원문링크 : 재미있고 신나는 AI 관련 유머 5가지 feat. 뤼튼