Otto Warmbier dies days after release from North Korean detention (오토 워비어가 북한 억류어서 풀려 난 다음 날 사망 했다)

Otto Warmbier dies days after release from North Korean detention (오토 워비어가 북한 억류어서 풀려 난 다음 날 사망 했다)

June 19 at 7:03 PM Otto Warmbier, the University of Virginia student who was detained in North Korea for nearly a year and a half, died Monday afternoon, his parents announced. 버지니아 대학생으로 북한에 1년 반 동안 억류되었던 오토 웜비어가 월요일 오후 사망했다고 그의 부모가 밝혔다. Warmbier had been medically evacuated and returned to Cincinnati last week in a coma. Fred and Cindy Warmbier said in a written statement that they watched their 22-year-old son’s face change, in the days that followed, from anguished to peaceful. 오토 웜비어는 병환으로...

원문링크 : Otto Warmbier dies days after release from North Korean detention (오토 워비어가 북한 억류어서 풀려 난 다음 날 사망 했다)