Vietnam’s South Korean Ghosts (베트남의 한국 영령들)

Vietnam’s South Korean Ghosts (베트남의 한국 영령들)

Heonik Kwon VIETNAM '67 JULY 10, 2017 (권 현익 베트남 '67, 2017년 7월 10일) A Korean soldier during an assault near Bong Son, Vietnam. Credit Tim Page/Corbis, via Getty Images 베트남 봉손 지역을 공격중인 한국군인 모습 사진 팀 페이지/코브리스 The residents of Ha My, a village in central Vietnam, can tell many vivid stories about their war ghosts — their “invisible neighbors,” in the words of the local Taoist priest. The ghosts are a diverse lot: The apparition of a young mother with two small children is familiar to the villagers o...

원문링크 : Vietnam’s South Korean Ghosts (베트남의 한국 영령들)