My brother's killer is now my friend - 나의 형제의 살인자가 지금은 나의 친구다.

My brother's killer is now my friend - 나의 형제의 살인자가 지금은 나의 친구다.

Denise Taylor had just graduated from college when her brother Bo was murdered. For years she struggled to come to terms with the loss. Then she spent more than a decade trying to get her brother's killer out of prison. <picture class="section-background-image text-over-media-background-image My brother’s killer is now my friend By Katya Cengel 8 September 2017 There are already three women in the room when the Taylors arrive. Jim Taylor heads to the opposite corner from where the trio is seated...

원문링크 : My brother's killer is now my friend - 나의 형제의 살인자가 지금은 나의 친구다.