The war of words between former and current Mrs Trumps 트럼프 전,현처간의 말싸움

The war of words between former and current Mrs Trumps 트럼프 전,현처간의 말싸움

IImage copyright Getty Images Donald Trump's first wife, Ivana, has started a war of words by saying she, not Melania, is the real First Lady and by revealing that she has a direct line to the White House but uses it less than she could to avoid jealousy. 도널드 트럼프의 첫번째 부인 이바나는 멜라니아가 아닌 자신이 진짜 미국의 퍼스트 레이디라고 말하며 말다툼을 시작했고 질투를 피해기 위해 사용하지는 않지만 백악관과 직통 연락선이 있다고 폭로했다. Melania is Mr Trump's third wife, and although this is the first time she and Ivana have crossed swords in public, the first wife has c...

원문링크 : The war of words between former and current Mrs Trumps 트럼프 전,현처간의 말싸움