How the South Korean language was designed to unify 어떻게 한국어가 통합되어 졌는가?

How the South Korean language was designed to unify 어떻게 한국어가 통합되어 졌는가?

script How the South Korean language was designed to unify 어떻게 한국어가 통합되어 졌는가? 비버리 2017. 12. 21. 14:23 이웃추가 본문 기타 기능 ‘Uri’ isn’t a mere grammar point, it’s a cultural canon that captures the very essence of a nation. By Ann Babe 18 December 2017 “Our husband is also a teacher,” my co-worker told me as she noisily slurped her soup. She was seated beside another colleague, who was slurping hers, too. I was confused. Had I misheard her? Were these women married to the same person? Uri wasn’t a mere ...

원문링크 : How the South Korean language was designed to unify 어떻게 한국어가 통합되어 졌는가?