[선박해운] MLIT Certificate in Japan

[선박해운] MLIT Certificate in Japan

안녕하세요. "블루퀘스트" 입니다. 오늘은 MLIT CERTIFICATE에 대해서 한번 알아볼까요?? MLIT Certificate Applications under Japanese Domestic Regulations MLIT Certificate is a document to certify the Approved Insurers' cover on the vessels, as required and issued by the MLIT (the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan) when ocean-going vessels not carrying oil in bulk as cargo are to enter and leave Japanese waters. MLIT 증서는 원유를 Bulk에 화물로 수송하지 않는 선박이 일본 해역을 드나들때, 승인된 보험사가 선박을 커버한다는것을 인증하기위해 일본국토해양부(t...

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원문링크 : [선박해운] MLIT Certificate in Japan