유튜브 라이브 아카데미 (1일차 ~ 4일차의 기록)

유튜브 라이브 아카데미 (1일차 ~ 4일차의 기록)

1/2 월 01 그건 나랑 잘 안맞더라고 Are you into cryptocurrencies or NTFs at all? Nope. Never have probably never will. Why not? I guess I just don’t feel comfortable with the idea of investing my money in something that I can’t actually see or touch. I’m not against it or anything. I actually think it’s fascinating. I guess I’m just old school. I have a lot of resistance to things like that. So I guess if I were to invest in something, I’d probably look into buying some gold or something. Do you think I’m b...

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원문링크 : 유튜브 라이브 아카데미 (1일차 ~ 4일차의 기록)