The Art of Watching: 세상에서 아름다움과 의미 찾기

The Art of Watching: 세상에서 아름다움과 의미 찾기

왓칭할 때 우리는 단순히 세상을 관찰하는 것이 아니라 세상에 참여하는 것 The Art of Stillness 저자 Pico Iyer 출판 Simon & Schuster 발매 2014.11.06. "Watching, at its best, is a way of investing ourselves in the world. Like meditation, it allows us to step back from our thoughts and worries and appreciate the beauty and richness of our experience. We watch the world not to escape from it, but to become more fully immersed in it. Watching can take many forms. It can be the act of sitting quietly and observing the natural world, as Tho...

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