오헬렌, 최솔 - Forget all the bad things [노래가사, 듣기, Audio]

오헬렌, 최솔 - Forget all the bad things [노래가사, 듣기, Audio]

"오헬렌 & 최솔 - Forget all the bad things" Audio "오헬렌, 최솔 - Forget all the bad things" 가사 [작사 : 오헬렌 작곡 : 오헬렌 편곡 : 오헬렌,최솔] Forget all the bad things Forget all your yesterdays we've met Forget all your sorrows We lived here for a space and then Vanished in a blink of an eye, As if nothing had happened As if you knew all about it Forget all the bad things...

오헬렌, 최솔 - Forget all the bad things [노래가사, 듣기, Audio]에 대한 요약내용입니다.

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