한예 - Strike [노래가사, 듣기, Audio]

한예 - Strike [노래가사, 듣기, Audio]

"한예 - Strike" Audio "한예 - Strike" 가사 [작사 : 한예,Jeff Kim 작곡 : 한예 편곡 : 한예] I don't see the truth A little seed of being faithful So many stars shining but artificial A chain of blooming and scatters Now you are that something something something you Like a story read by my mama I see a comfort in you, a comfort in you A comfort that embraces me like mama A strike in the sternum well that was a hard hit A strike in the sternum A strike in the sternum Well that was a hard it A strike in the sternum A...

#Audio #Strike #노래가사 #듣기 #신곡 #오늘노래 #최신곡 #한예

원문링크 : 한예 - Strike [노래가사, 듣기, Audio]