sh - updown [노래가사, 듣기, Audio]

sh - updown [노래가사, 듣기, Audio]

"sh - updown (feat. GUKU)" Audio "sh - updown" 가사 [작사 : sh 작곡 : sh 편곡 : sh] With you There's no win or lose Everyone I knew Tasted like you With you Loved you like a fool Know you like I do I'm pretty sure nobody does Life is mostly this and that Just do the things you can It's never life or death I read it in a book once So tell me that you'll listen Maybe there's a lesson So I'll live to die Give me all the time why You'll be on my mind Oh all the time Are we in a simulation You and I no corre...

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원문링크 : sh - updown [노래가사, 듣기, Audio]