화노(Hwanho) - Dive [노래가사, 노래 듣기, MV]

화노(Hwanho) - Dive [노래가사, 노래 듣기, MV]

"화노(Hwanho) - Dive" MV "화노(Hwanho) - Dive" Live "화노(Hwanho) - Dive" 가사 [작사 : 김호진 작곡 : 김호진,유환주 편곡 : 김호진,김윤성,안병준,유환주] Drive in to the dark Off the road On your ways Hold on tight Life is like an apocalypse So lean onto your broken dreams All the time I just want to stop being humble this time Shining stars lights on for your midnight Time is not a gamble this is the realize I just want to cross the rainbow Feel like.... Trouble makes another hate Honest and forgive Oh just keep on trying Tiny heig...

#Dive #MV #노래가사 #노래듣기 #신곡 #오늘노래 #최신곡 #화노

원문링크 : 화노(Hwanho) - Dive [노래가사, 노래 듣기, MV]