오닐(ONiLL) - Hate You [노래가사, 노래 듣기, LV]

오닐(ONiLL) - Hate You [노래가사, 노래 듣기, LV]

"오닐(ONiLL) - Hate You" LV "오닐(ONiLL) - Hate You" 가사 [작사 : 오닐 작곡 : 오닐 편곡 : 장지용,40,오닐] been waiting all day and felt giddy on my way but when you said it to my face I drew a blank we had some good time just like the other days and prolly that's why I did not know what to say I thought you felt the same cause every time we spent together I didn't feel a thing you should've told me that then cause I still have no idea what it is that made you turn your back you said you'd love me babe and never walk...

#Hate_You #LV #노래듣기 #신곡 #오늘노래 #오닐 #최신곡

원문링크 : 오닐(ONiLL) - Hate You [노래가사, 노래 듣기, LV]