더 보울스(The Bowls) - RADIOSTAR [노래가사, 노래 듣기, Audio]

더 보울스(The Bowls) - RADIOSTAR [노래가사, 노래 듣기, Audio]

"더 보울스(The Bowls) - RADIOSTAR" Audio "더 보울스(The Bowls) - RADIOSTAR" 가사 [작사 : 서건호 작곡 : 서건호 편곡 : 더 보울스] Radiostar no one knows his face but he didn't wanna hide anyway, as always Radiostar no one knows his name but he didn't wanna hide anyway, as always and he stuck to his own way as if there is no one all around and he stuck to his own way as if there is no one all around so the people said Radiostar bring us something new Radiostar bring us something new but let him smile played an old pop song ...

#Audio #RADIOSTAR #노래듣기 #더보울스 #신곡 #오늘노래 #최신곡

원문링크 : 더 보울스(The Bowls) - RADIOSTAR [노래가사, 노래 듣기, Audio]