[번역] '22.03.02 - 연준 베이지북 요약본

[번역] '22.03.02 - 연준 베이지북 요약본

직접 번역한 연준 베이지북 요약본입니다. 2022년 두번째 베이지북이자, 미국의 금리 인상이 시작된만큼 투자에 큰 도움이 되리라 생각됩니다. Overall Economic Activity Economic activity has expanded at a modest to moderate pace since mid-January. Many Districts reported that the surge in COVID-19 cases temporarily disrupted business activity as firms faced heighted absenteeism. Some Districts attributed a temporary weakening in demand in the hospitality sector to the rise in cases. Severe winter weather was also cited as disrupting activity. As a result, co...

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원문링크 : [번역] '22.03.02 - 연준 베이지북 요약본