#크루즈승무원 - 카니발 카지노 업데이트 노트(21.03.26)

#크루즈승무원 - 카니발 카지노 업데이트 노트(21.03.26)

Dear GCO Team Members, This month marks a full year since our pause in operation in March 2020. Lots have happened during this period and let’s just admit it: There’s nothing “business as usual” about what we’ve been going through. No one would have consciously predicted this situation. But we can consciously choose how to respond to it. We’re making the best of a challenging situation and play the best hand with the cards we’ve been dealt. We’re figuring this out as we go, and we’re pivoting a...

#카니발코퍼레이션 #코로나19 #크루즈 #크루즈선사 #크루즈승무원 #크루즈운항소식 #크루즈재개항소식 #크루즈프로토콜

원문링크 : #크루즈승무원 - 카니발 카지노 업데이트 노트(21.03.26)