German Narrow house, 독일 북부의 협소주택 이야기

German Narrow house, 독일 북부의 협소주택 이야기

안녕하세요.숲건축 입니다. The northern German city of Kiel lays claim to having the narrowest house in Europe. It's not the smallest - because it does have six stories - but at it's narrowest point, this building is only 80 centimeters wide. Some people might be a bit put off by all the stairs but the owner, architect Bjoern Siemsen, says it keeps him and his family fit. And the view of the city from the top is well worth the climb. 독일 북부의 이 협소주택은 유럽에서 가장 작다고 할 수 있습니다. 높이는 6층이라 높이 개념에서는 작다고 하기 어렵지만, 폭이 1미터...

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원문링크 : German Narrow house, 독일 북부의 협소주택 이야기