[수면과학] A walk through the stages of sleep #1

[수면과학] A walk through the stages of sleep #1

Ted에 수면과학에 대해 영상이 짧은 시리즈로 올라와 있더군요. 수면에 대해 영어로 개념도 정리하고 독해 실력과 과학상식은 덤으로 챙겨가기 적합하다고 생각합니다.1. Sleep is perhaps the single most effective thing that we can do each and every day to reset the health of our brain and our body. And by understanding a little bit more about what sleep is, perhaps we can get the chance to improve both the quantity and the quality of our sleep. 2. So, exactly what is sleep? Well, sleep, at least in human beings, is subdivided into two main types. On the one hand, we have non-rapid eye movement sleep, or ..........

원문링크 : [수면과학] A walk through the stages of sleep #1