[닉 부이치치] 닉 부이치치 허그, NICK VUJICIC,닉부이치치의 허그

[닉 부이치치] 닉 부이치치 허그, NICK VUJICIC,닉부이치치의 허그

닉 부이치치의 허그 (한계를 껴안다) 닉 부이치치 저 최종훈 역 2010.10.04 원제 Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life 페이지 318 Nick Vujicic Born 4 December 1982 (1982-12-04) (age 28) Brisbane, Australia Ethnicity Serb Occupation Preacher, motivational speaker, Director of Life Without Limbs Religion Christian http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=6367689 Nicholas James Vujicic (born 4 December 1982) is a preacher and motivational speaker who was born without arms or legs due to a rare disorder known as Tetra-amelia. He struggled throughout his childhood to come..........

원문링크 : [닉 부이치치] 닉 부이치치 허그, NICK VUJICIC,닉부이치치의 허그