[사담번역] 워터파크가 된 도시, 이탈리아 베네치아

[사담번역] 워터파크가 된 도시, 이탈리아 베네치아

59 likes: Is that a regular day?! 이게 일상이야?! 20 likes: I am not a Venetian but I believe that this "inconvenience" (which is called "high water") happens a few times a year... generally the water remains confined to the canals 나는 베네치아 사람은 아니지만 이거(넘치는 물)는 일년에 몇번씩 생기는 "불편함"이야... 보통은 수로 안에 남음 20 likes: had in happen in Merida Mexico near Cancun. Dumping rain. It was over in an hour but all the sewers came up in the streets. We took shelter higher up in a buliding. No one had rain boots. They just walked in it. It was gr..........

원문링크 : [사담번역] 워터파크가 된 도시, 이탈리아 베네치아