Americans’ View on the Ideal Number of Children per Family 자료

Americans’ View on the Ideal Number of Children per Family 자료

Americans’ View on the Ideal Number of Children per Family 자료 문서.zip Americans’ View on the Ideal Number of Children per Family This paper attempts to examine how much socio-cultural variables affect Americans’ desired number of children. 1. Introduction 2.

Theoretical Background 3. Hypotheses 4.

Data/Measures 5. Results/Discussion 6.

Conclusion A 2013 Gallup poll found that Americans believe an average of 2.6 is the ideal number of children for a family to have. More specifically, the survey found that half of Americans (48%) think a smaller family of two children or fewer is ideal for..........

원문링크 : Americans’ View on the Ideal Number of Children per Family 자료