22.11.28 파워잉글리쉬, Buying in bulk really works [on sale, manage to do something, ahead of the game]

22.11.28 파워잉글리쉬, Buying in bulk really works [on sale, manage to do something, ahead of the game]

#파워잉글리쉬 #PowerEnglihs #EBS영어 Buying in bulk really works 대량구매는 정말 교과가 있다 How did we do..? ~는 어땠나요/잘했나요? when we want to know the result, we use this expression. how did we do...? = how did it go? 우리 코스트프로의 첫 방문은 어땠어? How did we do on our first tirp to CostPro? 테니스 경기는 잘했나요? How did you do at the tennis tournament? 다른 매장에 비해 저희 매출은 어땠나요? How did we do in terms of sales compared to other stores? on sale 할인 중인 =selling for less than the normal price = at a discount 몇 가지 할인 중인 물건들을 사서 훨씬 더 많은 돈을 절약했...

#EBS영어 #PowerEnglihs #주간일기챌린지 #파워잉글리쉬

원문링크 : 22.11.28 파워잉글리쉬, Buying in bulk really works [on sale, manage to do something, ahead of the game]