파워잉글리쉬 [ quit somthing cold turky, in moderation, up one's intake of something, it was mostly...]

파워잉글리쉬 [ quit somthing cold turky, in moderation, up one's intake of something, it was mostly...]

#파워잉글리쉬 #PowerEnlgihs #EBS영어 #21년11월15일 Going on a diet: No more processed food! 다이어트 시작! 가공식품은 이제 그만! inflammation 전에는 제가 너무 부어보였어요. 제가 먹고 있던 나쁜 음식으로 인해 염증이 많이 생겼어요 I used to look so swollen. I had a lot of inflammation from the bad food I was eating 염증은 부상이나 감염에 대한 반응으로 신체 조직이 부어오르는 것입니다. Inflammation is the swelling of tissues in the body in reaction of injury or infection. 염증은 골절된 발목에서와 같이 근육과 다른 조직이 부풀어 뼈가 움직이지 않도록 보호하는 메커니즘입니다. Inflammation is a protective mechanism, as in a broken ankle, ...

#21년11월15일 #EBS영어 #PowerEnlgihs #파워잉글리쉬

원문링크 : 파워잉글리쉬 [ quit somthing cold turky, in moderation, up one's intake of something, it was mostly...]