22.12.9 Working as a customer service Rep[get to know sth, take the time to do sth, no matter what]

22.12.9 Working as a customer service Rep[get to know sth, take the time to do sth, no matter what]

EBS영어 파워잉글리쉬 PowerEnglish Working as a customer service Rep : Never say you don't know 고객 서비스 상담원으로 일하기 : 절대 모른다고 말하지 마세요 contracts out to ~에 외주를 맡다 저희 회사는 다양한 회사와 계약을 맺고 있으며, 저희의 일은 고객들을 만족시키는 것입니다. Our company contracts out to various companies, and our job is to keep the customers happy 한 회사가 다른 회사에게 외주를 맡기면, 그 회사는 다른 회사가 직접 하기 싫거나 할 능력이 안되는 서비스를 제공합니다. When a company contracts out to other companies, it provides a service that the other company either doesn't want to do or is not equipped to...

#EBS영어 #PowerEnglish #파워잉글리쉬

원문링크 : 22.12.9 Working as a customer service Rep[get to know sth, take the time to do sth, no matter what]