백준 1786 - 찾기

백준 1786 - 찾기

12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940import sys def kmp_table(): j = 0 table = [0] * len(word) for i in range(1, len(word)): while j > 0 and word[i] != word[j]: j = table[j-1] if word[i] == word[j]: j += 1 table[i] = j return table def kmp(): j = 0 global cnt table = kmp_table() for i in range(len(txt)): while j > 0 and txt[i] != word[j]: j = table[j-1] if txt[i] == word[j]: if j == len(word) - 1: cnt += 1 val.append(i - len(word) + 2) j = table[j] else: j += 1 txt = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n", "")word = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n", "")val =..........

원문링크 : 백준 1786 - 찾기