입트영 11.13.월 A Happy Commute 즐거운 출근길

입트영 11.13.월 A Happy Commute  즐거운 출근길

11월 13일 월요일 A Happy Commute 즐거운 출근길 I've been an educational worker for the past 20 years, working at a desk job. It wasn't easy to set aside time for English studies or exercise due to a packed schedule. However, the method I discovered was to seamlessly integrate English and exercise into my daily life. I started by deciding to walk to work, which is about 5 kilometers away. During my walk, I listen to " 입트영 " using the EBS app. I stop by a café when I reach the midpoint of my commute. There, ...

원문링크 : 입트영 11.13.월 A Happy Commute 즐거운 출근길