이태리장인의 섹스칼럼 : 526.센슈얼 마사지의 기본원리

이태리장인의 섹스칼럼 : 526.센슈얼 마사지의 기본원리

How to Give an Erotic Massage An erotic massage is a union of two bodies experiencing the bliss felt by one. An erotic massage isn’t about one person doing all the work while the other partner experiences a good rubdown. When you massage your lover, you’d start to feel as good as your partner does, but that will happen only when you truly connect with your partner and create a bond, and let the energies flow between your bodies. An erotic massage doesn’t need to take a long time, nor does it need a lot of accessories. You just need to keep these ten steps in mind to create an experience..........

원문링크 : 이태리장인의 섹스칼럼 : 526.센슈얼 마사지의 기본원리