#15, 투자 로직 (21.5.31)

#15, 투자 로직 (21.5.31)

[오프닝 1) 투자로직 2) 하반기 청년창업 정책 ] 1) 투자자로써의 투자 로직, The 60-30-10 Rule Of Investing [링크] - 60% on the Business - 30% on the Financials - 10% on valuation 2) 하반기 시행되는 신규 '청년창업 활성화 정책'은 [링크] 3) 6 Critical Lessons I Learned as a Startup CEO [링크] - Don't compromise on talents - Forget stealth and start selling - Make decisions and changes quickly if nesseary - Encourage teams to collaborate, then step back - Find mentors and meet with other CEOs - Keep moving forward 4) Sam Altman의 Startup Playbook [링크] 5...

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원문링크 : #15, 투자 로직 (21.5.31)