피터틸 팔란티어 주가 상승 이유 (금 매수, 비트코인 결제 허용?) 장대양봉 뜻

피터틸 팔란티어 주가 상승 이유 (금 매수, 비트코인 결제 허용?) 장대양봉 뜻

Billionaire Peter Thiel’s publicly-traded Palantir Technologies Inc. Is Preparing For A “Black Swan Event” By Inviting Customers To Pay For Its Data Analytics Software In Bitcoin. Billionaire Peter Thiel’s publicly-traded Palantir Technologies Inc. told Bloomberg it is preparing for a “black swan event” by inviting customers to pay for its data analytics software in Bitcoin. Notably, the American company announced it would be accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment and hedge against uncertainty, before adding precious metals as well. A spokeswoman told Bloomberg that no one has paid the f..........

원문링크 : 피터틸 팔란티어 주가 상승 이유 (금 매수, 비트코인 결제 허용?) 장대양봉 뜻