Python_Detect HTML Tags, Attributes and Attribute Values_HackerRank

Python_Detect HTML Tags, Attributes and Attribute Values_HackerRank

Python_Detect HTML Tags, Attributes and Attribute Values_HackerRank Detect HTML Tags, Attributes and Attribute Values 풀이 from html.parser import HTMLParser class MyParser(HTMLParser): def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): print(tag) if attrs: print(*(f"-> {i[0]} > {i[1]}" for i in attrs), sep='\n') n = int(input()) html = ''.join([input() for _ in range(n)]) parser = MyParser() parser.feed(html) parser.close() * 출처 Detect HTML Tags, Attributes and Attribute Values | HackerRank Parse HTML tags, ...

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원문링크 : Python_Detect HTML Tags, Attributes and Attribute Values_HackerRank