이벤트가 너무 많네요 (실적발표/주식시장 변동성高)

이벤트가 너무 많네요 (실적발표/주식시장 변동성高)

1.엔비디아 실적발표 https://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/nvidia-announces-financial-results-for-fourth-quarter-and-fiscal-2021 NVIDIA Announces Financial Results for Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2021 NVIDIA today reported record revenue for the fourth quarter ended January 31, 2021, of $5.00 billion, up 61 percent from $3.11 billion a year earlier, and up 6 percent from $4.73 billion in the previous quarter. The company’s Gaming and Data Center platforms achieved record revenue for the quarter a... nvidianew...

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원문링크 : 이벤트가 너무 많네요 (실적발표/주식시장 변동성高)