Binance API에러 해결 방법 python Timestamp for this request was 1000ms ahead of the server's time.

Binance API에러 해결 방법 python Timestamp for this request was 1000ms ahead of the server's time.

Windows 11기준으로 BINANCE API를 사용하다 다음 에러가 나는 경우가 종종 발생하는데요. (400, -1021, "Timestamp for this request was 1000ms ahead of the server's time.", {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': '88', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Date': 'Sat, 30 Jul 2022 09:48:53 GMT', 'Server': 'Tengine', 'X-MBX-USED-WEIGHT-1M': '6', 'x-response-time': '2ms', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Access-Control-..

원문링크 : Binance API에러 해결 방법 python Timestamp for this request was 1000ms ahead of the server's time.