Gwangsan District Engages in Dialogues with Residents, Listening and Reflecting on Suggestions-남도투데이 korea namdotoday

Gwangsan District Engages in Dialogues with Residents, Listening and Reflecting on Suggestions-남도투데이 korea namdotoday

Gwangsan District in Gwangju has decided to share its core policies and business directions for the new year with residents through "Dialogues with Residents" in 2024, aiming to listen and consider citizens' suggestions and opinions. Starting from January 16, the district mayor, Park Byung-kyu, along with officials, will visit 21 neighborhoods, beginning with Uryong-dong, to communicate with res.....

원문링크 : Gwangsan District Engages in Dialogues with Residents, Listening and Reflecting on Suggestions-남도투데이 korea namdotoday