[백준/BOJ] 15098번 No Duplicates

[백준/BOJ] 15098번 No Duplicates

백준 온라인 저지 15098번 No Duplicateshttps://www.acmicpc.net/problem/15098문제There is a game in which you try not to repeat a word while your opponent tries to see if you have repeated one."THE RAIN IN SPAIN" has no repeats."IN THE RAIN AND THE SNOW" repeats THE."THE RAIN IN SPAIN IN THE PLAIN" repeats THE and IN.Write a program to test a phrase.The output is "yes" if no word is repeated, and "no" if one or more words repeat.풀이문제가 번역이 안 되어 있는데, 간단히 말하자면 입력으로 주어지는 문장에중복되는 단어가 없을 경우 "yes&q..........

원문링크 : [백준/BOJ] 15098번 No Duplicates