Performance Comparison of HDP LLAP, Presto, SparkSQL, Hive on Tez, and Hive on MR3 using the TPC-DS

Performance Comparison of HDP LLAP, Presto, SparkSQL, Hive on Tez, and Hive on MR3 using the TPC-DS Performance Comparison of HDP LLAP, Presto, SparkSQL, Hive on Tez, and Hive on MR3 using the TPC-DS Benchmark NOTE: This article is superceded by a new article expanded with results of concurrency tests on newer versions of SQL-on-Hadoop systems. We refer the reader to the new article: Performance Evaluation of SQL-on-Hadoop Systems using the TPC-DS Benchmark.

원문링크 : Performance Comparison of HDP LLAP, Presto, SparkSQL, Hive on Tez, and Hive on MR3 using the TPC-DS