이번에는 간단하게 리눅스에서 파일(file)과 관련된 작업을 할 때 사용되는 표준 구조체인 _IO_FILE에 대해 간단히 살펴봅니다. _IO_FILE structure or type associated with the C Standard Library's I/O (input/output) functionality. The _IO_FILE structure is an internal data structure used by the C Standard Library to manage file I/O operations. It's often defined within the implementation of the library and isn't meant to be directly accessed or manipulated by user code. This structure contains information about the state of a file stream, such as i...

#_IO_FILE #kernel #linux #stdio #system #디버깅 #실습 #예제 #파일입출력 #IO #implementation #glibc #Assembly #C #C언어 #FileIO #flag #fopen #fread #GDB #포인터

원문링크 : _IO_FILE 이해