[블레이즈 조각대본] inclines, tow truck, s3e20 defeat the cheat

[블레이즈 조각대본] inclines, tow truck, s3e20 defeat the cheat

inclines 개념 inclines 특성 (short:steep, longer:easier) Blaze Hey, don't worry. We don't need to cheat to get up that cliff. AJ Yeah. We just need...an incline! Crusher Incline? What's an incline? AJ An incline is a surface that goes from some place low to some place high. Blaze Short inclines are pretty steep, and it can take a lot of power to go up them. But if you go up a longer incline, it's not as steep, and it's easier to get up to the top. AJ Look! Two inclines, over there!  Crusher But...which incline should we take? AJ Let's figure it out. Switching to V..........

원문링크 : [블레이즈 조각대본] inclines, tow truck, s3e20 defeat the cheat