인도지점 극단적 그룹과 중간적 그룹: 4가지의 전통적 인코텀즈규칙 그룹

인도지점 극단적 그룹과 중간적 그룹: 4가지의 전통적 인코텀즈규칙 그룹

· Delivery points extrems and in-betweens: the four traditional Incoterms rules groups 21. Versions of the Incoterms rules before 2010 traditionally grouped the rules into four, namely E, F, C and D, with E and D lying at extreme poles from each other in terms of the point of delivery and the F and C rules lying in between. While the Incoterms rules have, sine 2010, been grouped according to the means of transport used, the old groupings are still helpful is understanding the point of delivery. Thus, the delivery point in EXW is an agreed point for collection of the goods by the buyer, whateve..........

원문링크 : 인도지점 극단적 그룹과 중간적 그룹: 4가지의 전통적 인코텀즈규칙 그룹