뉴욕여행: 킨스스테이크

뉴욕여행: 킨스스테이크

뉴욕여행 뉴욕맛집 뉴욕3대스테이크 ‘Keens Steakhouse’ https://keens.com/ New York City Steakhouse | Keens Steakhouse In 1885 Keens Chophouse opened independently under the ownership of Albert Keen, by then a noted figure in the Herald Square Theatre District. Keens soon became the lively and accepted rendezvous of the famous. Actors in full stage make-up hurried through the rear door to "fortify" themselves betwee... keens.com 운영시간은 홈페이지가 제일 정확하니까 참고 역사가 오래된 곳이라더니 진짜 분위기 미쳐뜸 우리는 저녁 9시 15분에 예약했는데 20분정도 일찍 도착했는데 ...

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원문링크 : 뉴욕여행: 킨스스테이크