한국어와 영어 프리토킹 주제 - 사랑

한국어와 영어 프리토킹 주제 - 사랑

단어 공부하기 사랑이라는 주제를 다루기 전에 먼저 그에 관한 단어들부터 살펴보자. relationship friendship love affair affection desire to infatuate infatuate infatuation sympathy to fascinate fascinating fascination attraction attractive pity to have pity on = to take pity on lovable insensitive cold loveless to adore to bore He was interested in her. He was attracted by her.

He fell in love with her. He adored her.

He bored her. She got tired of him.

She left him. 프리토킹 주제 - 사랑 아래는 사랑에 대한 프리토킹 대화 질문들이다. 1.

What is an attractive wo...


원문링크 : 한국어와 영어 프리토킹 주제 - 사랑