그리스도인 사이의 깊은 관계를 위한 질문들 (2) 아이들과 대화하기

그리스도인 사이의 깊은 관계를 위한 질문들 (2) 아이들과 대화하기

For young children, keep discovering how God wired them. Take note of their natural talents and interests and how they like to be recognized and thanked.

Notice their propensity toward introversion and extroversion, knowing that each of these has powerful and impacting strengths. Show them what unconditional love looks and sounds like.

Point out ways they can begin to see the kindnesses of God. These can be applied to grand children too.

Informational 1. Where’s the moon?

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원문링크 : 그리스도인 사이의 깊은 관계를 위한 질문들 (2) 아이들과 대화하기