Life Quotes & Proverb : 곰돌이 푸 - 영어 인생명언 & 명대사 모음

Life Quotes & Proverb : 곰돌이 푸 - 영어 인생명언 & 명대사 모음

You are braver than you believe, smarter than you seem, and stronger than you think. - Winnie the Pooh - 넌 믿는것보다 더 용감해, 넌 보기보다 더 강해, 넌 생각보다 더 똑똑해. - 곰돌이 푸 - You are braver than you believe, smarter than you seem, and stronger than you think. - Winnie the Pooh - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What day is it ?” asked Pooh.

“It’s today.” squeaked Piglet. “My favorite day.” said Pooh. - Winnie the Pooh - "오늘이 무슨 요일이야?"

푸가 물었습니다....

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원문링크 : Life Quotes & Proverb : 곰돌이 푸 - 영어 인생명언 & 명대사 모음