alphatron의 등록된 링크

 alphatron로 등록된 티스토리 포스트 수는 223건입니다.

Blue 90 항공용 수중 탐지 비콘 [내부링크]

The new TSO-C121b. Or simply: Blue 90 BLUE90은 항공용 수중 탐지 비콘(underwater locater beacon)으로서 항공 분야에도 해상 성능을 제공합니다. BLUE90은 물속에서 90일 동안 작동하며, 2018년 1월 1일부터..

VDR용 UPS 배터리 [내부링크]

분류 배터리 명칭 : 장비 명칭 교체 주기 장비 제조사 전압 전류 UPS 배터리 NPH16-12T (OP24-12) : VR-3000/3000S 약3년 FURUNO 12V 16Ah CY1-1487-01 : VR-7000/7000S 약4년 24V 8Ah

HD 27T22 MMD [내부링크]

(주)얼라이드이파트는 하틀란드 디스플레이(Hatteland Display)사의 한국 총판이며 선박용(해상용) 모니터, 산업용 모니터, 선박용(해상용) 컴퓨터, 산업용 컴퓨터 를 취급하고 있으며, 군에 들어가는 스펙을 만족..

해상용 산업용 컴퓨터-HT B30G [내부링크]

(주)얼라이드이파트는 하틀란드 디스플레이(Hatteland Display)사의 한국 총판이며 선박용(해상용) 모니터, 산업용 모니터, 선박용(해상용) 컴퓨터, 산업용 컴퓨터 를 취급하고 있으며, 군에 들어가는 스펙을 만족..

HM 20T07 NMD (MIL Qualified) [내부링크]

(주)얼라이드이파트는 하틀란드 디스플레이(Hatteland Display)사의 한국 총판이며선박용(해상용) 모니터, 산업용 모니터, 선박용(해상용) 컴퓨터, 산업용 컴퓨터를 취급하고 있으며, 군에 들어가는 스펙을 만족하..

HD 19T22 MMD [내부링크]

(주)얼라이드이파트는 하틀란드 디스플레이(Hatteland Display)사의 한국 총판이며선박용(해상용) 모니터, 산업용 모니터, 선박용(해상용) 컴퓨터, 산업용 컴퓨터를 취급하고 있으며, 군에 들어가는 스펙을 만족하..

HD 17T22 MMD [내부링크]

(주)얼라이드이파트는 하틀란드 디스플레이(Hatteland Display)사의 한국 총판이며 선박용(해상용) 모니터, 산업용 모니터, 선박용(해상용) 컴퓨터, 산업용 컴퓨터 를 취급하고 있으며, 군에 들어가는 스펙을 만족..

HD 15T22 MMD [내부링크]

(주)얼라이드이파트는 하틀란드 디스플레이(Hatteland Display)사의 한국 총판이며선박용(해상용) 모니터, 산업용 모니터, 선박용(해상용) 컴퓨터, 산업용 컴퓨터를 취급하고 있으며, 군에 들어가는 스펙을 만족하..

HD 12T21 Standard [내부링크]

(주)얼라이드이파트는 하틀란드 디스플레이(Hatteland Display)사의 한국 총판이며 선박용(해상용) 모니터, 산업용 모니터, 선박용(해상용) 컴퓨터, 산업용 컴퓨터 를 취급하고 있으며, 군에 들어가는 스펙을 만족..

AEP Korea 노르웨이 Hatteland Display 업무협약 체결 [내부링크]

노르웨이에 본사를 둔 Hatteland Display 는 최고 수준의 컴퓨터와 해상 디스플레이, 패널 컴퓨터 및 스탠다드 디스플레이, 특수 디스플레이 등을 제조하고 있으며, 국제 해사 및 산업 시장에 고품질의 맞춤화..

KC97 Cold Shrink Tube with Mastic(실리콘 냉 수축 튜브) [내부링크]

KC97 실리콘 냉 수축 튜브 (자가수축방식-Cold Shrink Tube) • IPX8 등급의 완벽한 방수사양  – 제한된 조건에서 장기간 물속에서도 사용가능 • 열풍기를 이용한 번거러운 작업이 필요없는 간단한 설치 •..

소방 대원을 위한 본질 안전 방폭 무전기 [내부링크]

SOLAS 규정 II-2/10 에 대한 방폭 무전기 해사안전위원회 (The Maritime Safety Committee, MSC) 제 91차 회의 (2012년 11월)에서 SOLAS II-2/10 선박의 방화, 화재 탐지 및 소화에 관한 사항이 아래와 같이 개정..

VHF안테나 VHF-1 (156.0-162.5) [내부링크]

AC안테나의 VHF-1 안테나는 1.14m 길이와 100W의 고출력, 3dB의 고이득을 가진 프리미엄 VHF안테나 입니다. 영하 -40 에서 영상 +60도까지 열악한 환경에도 동작을 보장하는 신뢰성 높고 튼튼한 제품이며, 특히..

VHF안테나 CELtwin1 (156.0-162.5 / 870-960) [내부링크]

CELtwin1은 하나의 안테나에서 필터를 이용해 VHF와 cellular GSM900을 동시에 사용 가능하도록 제작한 무지향성 안테나입니다. 특히 공간이 부족한 장소에서 유용하게 사용할 수 있습니다. 전기적 부식과 험한..

VHF/GPS Multiband 안테나 [내부링크]

VHF/GPS 겸용 안테나는 하나의 안테나로 VHF기능과 GPS기능을 동시에 사용 가능한 무지향성 안테나입니다. VHF/GPS 안테나는 1.1m 길이와 VHF : 0dB/GPS : 18dB의 고이득을 가진 프리미엄 Multiband 안테나 입니..

VHF안테나 PD4-5 (156.0-162.5 MHz) [내부링크]

PD4-5 안테나는 가벼운 섬유유리재질로 된 무지향성(전방향성) 안테나로 마운트의 이음매는 1“-14TPI thread 마운트와 직접 연결이 가능하고, 스스로도 지탱이 가능합니다. CELmar3-1보다 더 높은 성능을 제공하..

HF/SSB 안테나 KUM481-1 (0.15-30 MHz) [내부링크]

KUM481-1 안테나는 2섹션으로 나눠져 있으며 레저선이나 무역선 모두 사용 가능한 무지향성 안테나입니다. KUM481-1 안테나는 유리섬유 재질로 제작하여 튼튼하고 가벼우며 폴리우레탄 락카로 마무리 되어 전기적..

VHF안테나 CX4 시리즈 (146.0-174.0 MHz) [내부링크]

AC안테나의 CX4 VHF안테나는 1.26m 길이와 100W의 고출력, 3dB의 고이득을 가진 프리미엄 VHF안테나 입니다. 영하 -40 에서 영상 +60도까지 열악한 환경에도 동작을 보장하는 신뢰성 높고 튼튼한 제품이며, 특히..

Multiband 안테나 CELtwin1 (156.0-162.5/870-960 MHz) [내부링크]

CELtwin1은 하나의 안테나에서 필터를 이용해 VHF와 cellular GSM900을 동시에 사용 가능하도록 제작한 무지향성 안테나입니다. 특히 공간이 부족한 장소에서 유용하게 사용할 수 있습니다. 전기적 부식과 험한..

HF/SSB 안테나 KUM803-1 (1.4-30 MHz) [내부링크]

KUM803-1 안테나는 3섹션으로 나눠져 있으며 어선이나 무역선 모두 사용 가능한 무지향성 안테나입니다. KUM803-1 안테나는 유리섬유 재질로 제작하여 튼튼하고 가벼우며 폴리우레탄으로 마무리 되어 전기적 부식..

VHF안테나 CELmarVHF (156.0-162.5) [내부링크]

CELmarVHF 안테나는 가벼운 섬유유리재질로 된 무지향성(전방향성) 안테나로 육지뿐만 아니라 전기적 부식과 험한 바다 환경에 잘 견딜 수 있도록 최고급 재질로 만들어졌습니다. CELmarVHF 안테나는 1.0m 길이..

PT9 Ninety (Acoustic beacon) [내부링크]

The new standard: PT9 Ninety PT9-NINETY는 VDR 시스템의 자료 저장 캡슐 위에 설치 되는 Acoustic beacon입니다. VDR의 Beacon은 의무적으로 매년 성능 테스트를 해야하며 제대로 작동하지 않을 경우 즉시 교체..

엔텔 무전기 배터리-CLB750G/CNB750E [내부링크]

HT649, 644용 CLB750G 는 고용량 1차 전지로 디자인 되었으며, GMDSS 비상용 배터리입니다.(유효기간 4년) 7.4V / 1.8Ah EMERGENCY HT649, 644용 CNB750E는 1800mAh 리튬이온 배터리 팩입니다. 최신 리튬이온..

VHF 안테나 CELmar4 (146.0-162.5) [내부링크]

CELmar4 안테나는 가벼운 섬유유리재질로 된 무지향성(전방향성) 안테나로 육지뿐만 아니라 전기적 부식과 험한 바다 환경에 잘 견딜 수 있도록 최고급 재질로 만들어졌습니다. CELmar4 안테나는 1.26m 길이와..

HF/SSB 안테나 KUM603-1 (1.4-30 MHz) [내부링크]

KUM603-1 안테나는 2섹션으로 나눠져 있으며 레저선이나 무역선 모두 사용 가능한 무지향성 안테나입니다. KUM603-1 안테나는 유리섬유 재질로 제작하여 튼튼하고 가벼우며 폴리우레탄 락카로 마무리 되어 전기적..

VHF 안테나 CELmar0-1 (156.0-162.5 MHz) [내부링크]

CELmar0-1 은 스텐레스 강철로 된 무지향성(전방향성) 요트용 휩 안테나로 전기적 부식과 험한 바다 환경 및 육지에서 잘 견딜 수 있도록 최고급 재질로 만들어졌습니다. CELmar0-1 VHF안테나는 1.0 m 길이와 1..

VHF 안테나 CELmar3-2 (156.0-162.5 MHz) [내부링크]

CELmar3-2 안테나는 가벼운 섬유유리재질로 된 무지향성(전방향성) 안테나로 육지뿐만 아니라 전기적 부식과 험한 바다 환경에 잘 견딜 수 있도록 최고급 재질로 만들어졌습니다. CELmar3-2 안테나는 2.7m 길이..

VHF 안테나 CELmar1-1 (149.0-162.5 MHz) [내부링크]

CELmar1-1 은 가벼운 섬유유리재질로 된 무지향성(전방향성) 안테나로 육지뿐만 아니라, 전기적 부식과 험한 바다 환경에 잘 견딜 수 있도록 최고급 재질로 만들어졌습니다. CELmar1-1  VHF안테나는 1.26 m 길..

VHF 안테나 CELmar2-2 (156.0-162.5 MHz) [내부링크]

CELmar2-2 안테나는 가벼운 섬유유리재질로 된 무지향성(전방향성) 안테나로 육지뿐만 아니라 전기적 부식과 험한 바다 환경에 잘 견딜 수 있도록 최고급 재질로 만들어졌습니다. CELmar2-2 안테나는 1.04m 길..

PT9 NINETY [내부링크]

The new standard: PT9 Ninety IMO resolution MSC.333(90): On ships which are built on or after July 1, 2014, underwater locating devices must ensure a regulatory transmission time of at least 90 day..

Marine & Industrial Monitors [내부링크]

19inch rugged display - low cost (Marine & industrial grade) - IM190AD-XXXX Highlighted Features(주요 기능) ※ Dimming knob control backlight brightness from 0% to 100%(standard)  딤머 컨트롤을 이..

OUR new enhanced HF/SSB antennas now available [내부링크]

OUR new improved KUM-antennas – approved for –55 degrees Celsius - are now available. The enhanced KUM antennas are offered at the same price as OUR previous KUM antennas. In our world quality is..

VTS(Vessel Traffic Systems)용 마그네트론 [내부링크]

Magnetrons VTS (Vessel Traffic Systems) These magnetrons are ment for radar systems used in: 해안 감시 레이다 해상 교통 관제 시스템 공항 지상 관제 레이다 Product number Frequency (Mhz) Power (kW)..

VDR/S-VDR 이란? [내부링크]

1. VDR 정의 : 선박이 항해하는 동안 주요 데이터를 기록하고 유지, 관리하는 장치(선박안 설치)              원인 분석에 필요한 운항 상황에서의 거의 모든 데이터를 기록하여 저장함      ..

PT9 BEACON [내부링크]

PT9 C-PROOF는 항해 데이터 레코더 시스템 (VDR / S-VDR)의 최종 기록 매개체 (FRM)에 설치하며 침수에 의해 활성화되면 최소 30일 동안 위치 결정 신호를 전송한다. PT9 C-PROOF은 독일 연방 해양과 수로기구..

AEP Antennas (AC ANTENNAS) [내부링크]

AC Antennas has a large portfolio of high quality products for the maritime/land based market & solutions. We are asia distributor of AC ANTENNAS . Choose your marine & land based antenna For every..

TT Type thermal camera [내부링크]

Thermal imaging allows users to visualise heat energy. You can see in total darkness, low visibility weather conditions and even through smoke. In many scenarios the technology can be lifesaving whi..

P Type monocular thermal camera [내부링크]

THE FUTURE OF NIGHT-TIME VISION P Type monocular thermal camera has been specifically designed to help marine personnel detect the heat signatures of people and vessels. The P Type allows you to ide..

IMO 신규 해상생명안전 규정 II-2/10 [내부링크]

IMO(국제해양기구) 신규 규정(SOLAS II-2/10: 해상생명안전 II-2/10)에 따르면 2014년 7월 1일부터 모든 신규 선박의 소방 팀은 최소 두 개의 휴대용 방폭 무전기를 갖추어야 합니다. 2014년 7월 1일 이전에 건조..

HT544 방폭형 무전기 [내부링크]

 해상용 VHF / UHF 방폭형 무전기 제품안내                                Notable Features: • Marine VHF band 156-163.275MHz • All 58 INT, USA, CAN channels plus 36..

선박용(해양) 안테나 전문 쇼핑몰 런칭 [내부링크]

안테나114는 해외(덴마크) 유명 안테나 제조사인 AC Marine A/S 사의 한국 Exclusive Agent로서 AC Marine A/S에서 제조 판매하고 있는 해상(해양)에 특화된 안테나를 국내에 소개 및 판매하고 있습니다.  현재..

KUM600-2 (1.4-30.0MHz) [내부링크]

KUM600-2 is a 2 section omnidirectional side-fed HF transceiver antenna for automatic antenna tuned systems for both leisure and commercial vessels. The KUM600-2 is manufactured in premium quality m..

KUM600-1 (1.4-30.0MHz) [내부링크]

KUM600-1 is a 2 section omnidirectional side-fed HF transceiver antenna for automatic antenna tuned systems for both leisure and commercial vessels. The KUM600-1 is manufactured in premium quality m..

KUM600 (1.4-30.0MHz) [내부링크]

KUM600 is a 2 section omnidirectional side-fed HF transceiver antenna for automatic antenna tuned systems for both leisure and commercial vessels. The KUM600 is manufactured in premium quality mater..

KUM481-2 (1.4-30.0MHz) [내부링크]

KUM481-2 is a 2 section omnidirectional side-fed HF transceiver antenna for automatic antenna tuned systems for both leisure and commercial vessels. The KUM481-2 is manufactured in premium quality m..

KUM481-1 (1.4-30.0MHz) [내부링크]

KUM481-1 is a 2 section omnidirectional side-fed HF transceiver antenna for automatic antenna tuned systems for both leisure and commercial vessels. The KUM481-1 is manufactured in premium quality m..

KUM481 (1.4-30.0MHz) [내부링크]

KUM481 is a 2 section omnidirectional side-fed HF transceiver antenna for automatic antenna tuned systems for both leisure and commercial vessels. The KUM481 is manufactured in premium quality mater..

KUM480-2 (1.4-30.0MHz) [내부링크]

KUM480-2 is a 2 section omnidirectional side-fed HF transceiver antenna for automatic antenna tuned systems for both leisure and commercial vessels. The KUM480-2 is manufactured in premium quality m..

KUM480-1 (1.4-30.0MHz) [내부링크]

KUM480-1 is a 2 section omnidirectional side-fed HF transceiver antenna for automatic antenna tuned systems for both leisure and commercial vessels. The KUM480-1 is manufactured in premium quality m..

KUM480 (1.4-30.0MHz) [내부링크]

KUM480 is a 2 section omnidirectional side-fed HF transceiver antenna for automatic antenna tuned systems for both leisure and commercial vessels. The KUM480 is manufactured in premium quality mater..

DGPS-6 (0.09-0.11 MHz) [내부링크]

DGPS-6 is a high quality stainless steel omnidirectional whip receiver antenna for the Long Range Navigation system. The DGPS-6 antenna is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prev..

DGPS-4 (0.09-0.11 MHz) [내부링크]

DGPS-4 is a high quality stainless steel omnidirectional whip receiver antenna for the Long Range Navigation system. The DGPS-4 antenna is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prev..

DGPS-2 (0.09-0.11 MHz) [내부링크]

DGPS-2 is a high quality fibreglass omnidirectional whip receiver antenna for the Long Range Navigation system. The DGPS-2 antenna is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent..

LORAN (0.09-0.11 MHz) [내부링크]

LORAN is a high quality fibreglass omnidirectional whip receiver antenna for the Long Range Navigation system. The LORAN antenna is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent gal..

NAVtex3 (490/518/4209.5 MHz) [내부링크]

NAVtex3 is a high quality fibreglass omnidirectional Navtex antenna. The NAVTEX3 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. The NAVTEX3 has an amplifier in..

BB1 (0.1-30 MHz) [내부링크]

BB1 Antenna is a high quality fibreglass omnidirectional HF antenna. The BB1 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. The BB1 has an amplifier integrated..

FAME4 (0.15-30/88-108MHz) [내부링크]

FAME4 is a high quality fibreglass omnidirectional AM/FM antenna. The FAME4 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion, it has a chrome ferrule for 1” – 14..

FAME3 (0.15-30/88-108MHz) [내부링크]

FAME3 is a high quality fibreglass omnidirectional AM/FM antenna. The FAME3 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion, matches the CX4 length and outlook. F..

FAME2 (0.15-30/88-108MHz) [내부링크]

FAME2 is a high quality fibreglass omnidirectional AM/FM antenna. The FAME2 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion, it has a chrome ferrule for 1” – 14..

FAME1 (0.15-30/88-108MHz) [내부링크]

FAME1 is a high quality fibreglass omnidirectional AM/FM antenna. The FAME1 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion, matches the CX4 length and outlook. F..

CX4 AIS (156.0-162.5MHz) [내부링크]

CX4AIS is an omnidirectional dipole antenna. The CX4AIS is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. Radiating elements are made of brass. CX4AIS is s subject..

CX3 5/8AIS (156.0-162.5MHz) [내부링크]

CX4AIS is an omnidirectional dipole antenna. The CX4AIS is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. Radiating elements are made of brass. CX4AIS is s subject..

CELmar1-1AIS (156.0-162.5MHz) [내부링크]

CELmar1-1AIS is a lightweight fibreglass omnidirectional antenna. The CELmar1-1AIS is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. CELmar1-1AIS is sold worldwide..

CELmar0-1AIS (156.0-162.5MHz) [내부링크]

CELmar0-1AIS is a stainless steel omnidirectional sailboat antenna. The CELmar0-1AIS is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. The CELmar0-1AIS is suitable..

UHF/VHF (156-162.5/420-440) [내부링크]

UHF/VHF is an omnidirectional dipole antenna covering two bands. The UHF/VHF is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. Radiating elements are made of copp..

CXU4 (440.0 - 470.0 MHz) [내부링크]

CXU4 is an omnidirectional dipole antenna. The CXU4 is for use with radio telephone, two-way business radio and many other UHF applications. The CXU4 is manufactured in premium quality materials in..

CXU3-4 (450.0-470.0 MHz) [내부링크]

CXU3-4 is an omnidirectional dipole antenna. The CXU3-4 is for use with radio telephone, two-way business radio and many other UHF applications. The CXU3-4 is manufactured in premium quality materia..

CXU3-1 (430.0-450.0 MHz) [내부링크]

CXU3-1 is an omnidirectional dipole antenna. The CXU3-1 is for use with radio telephone, two-way business radio and many other UHF applications. The CXU3-1 is manufactured in premium quality materia..

CXU3 (450.0 - 470.0 MHz) [내부링크]

CXU3 is an omnidirectional dipole antenna. The CXU3 is for use with radio telephone, two-way business radio and many other UHF applications. The CXU3 is manufactured in premium quality materials in..

CXU1-8 (430.0-450.0 MHz) [내부링크]

CXU1-8 is an omnidirectional dipole antenna. The CXU1-8 is for use with Tetra applications. The CXU1-8 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. Radiating..

CXU1-5 (380.0-400.0 MHz) [내부링크]

CXU1-5 is an omnidirectional dipole antenna. The CXU1-5 is for use with Tetra applications. The CXU1 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. Radiating el..

CXU1(450.0-470.0 MHz) [내부링크]

CXU1 is an omnidirectional dipole antenna. The CXU1 is for use with radio telephone, two-way business radio and many other UHF applications. The CXU1 is manufactured in premium quality materials in..

해양대학교 산학협력업무협약 [내부링크]

한국해양대학교 해사대학 및 해사산업연구소 2013년도 산학협력업무협약식

KORMARINE 2013 알파트론 베스트셀러 해양안테나 2종 소개 [내부링크]

알파트론(ALPHATRON 대표 김현경,은 10월 22일부터 25일까지 부산전시컨벤션센터(벡스코, BEXCO)에서 열리는 KORMALINE 2013(국제 조선 및 해양 산업전)에 참가해 베스트셀러 해상용 안테나..

CX1191D Deuterium Thyratron [내부링크]

ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled tetrode thyratron of ruggedised construction,suitable for use in airborne or mobile military radar systems. It isused for switching peak powers up to 8.0 MW at high re..

CELmar2-2(156.0-162.5 MHz) [내부링크]

CELmar2-2 is a lightweight fibreglass omnidirectional antenna. The CELmar2-2 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. The CELmar2-2 fits 1”-14 thread mou..

VHF Antenna CELmar2-1(156.0-162.5 MHz) [내부링크]

CELmar2-1 is a lightweight fibreglass omnidirectional antenna. The CELmar2-1 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. The CELmar2-1 fits 1”-14 thread mou..

KORMARINE 2013 [내부링크]

2013년 10월 22일(화) ~ 10월25일(금) 벡스코 전시장

NBB-345A (JQX-10A/20A/10E SART Battery) [내부링크]

GENENAL DATA  Product  NBB-345A  Description  3 cell shrink wrap  Original Supplier  JRC  Hazardous  Yes  Type  JQX-10A / 20A / 10E  SART  Comments  Replaces orginal battery type NBB-27..

NBB-303A JQE-3A EPIRB Battery [내부링크]

GENENAL DATA  Product  NBB-303A  Description  4 cell shrink wrap  Original Supplier  JRC  Hazardous  Yes  Type  JQE-3A EPIRB  Caution  never charge, short circuit,  punture, deform or i..

NBB-248 Rechargeable Battery [내부링크]

GENENAL DATA  Product  NBB-248  Description  Ni-Cd Battery  Original Supplier  JRC  Hazardous  No  Type  JHS-7/JHS-14  Comments  Rechargeable battery SPECIFICATIONS  Nominal voltage :..

BP-1207 NICAD Battery [내부링크]

GENENAL DATA Product BP-1207 Description Ni-Cd Battery Original Supplier Furuno Hazardous No Type FM-8 Two-Way VHF Radio Comments Use only dedicated charger and batteries SPECIFICATIONS Nominal volt..

JOTRON TR20(Emergency battery) [내부링크]

GENENAL DATA Product TR 20 Emergency battery Description Original Supplier JOTRON Hazardous No Type Primary Lithium Battery Comments Do not short circuit Do not incinerate SPECIFICATIONS Nominal vol..

HT644 GMDSS 방수무전기 [내부링크]

소방 및 구조서비스 분야뿐만 아니라 시추현장과 해운사업등 폭넓은 해상관련 분야에서 그 성능을 인정받아 온 HT 1.0 시리즈를 대체하는 HT2.0 해상용 무전기는 보다 완성도 높고, 안정된 성능을 제공합니다. 엔..

HT649 GMDSS 방수무전기 [내부링크]

엔텔의 HT649는 엄격한 MED 인증(해양장비 표준)을 획득한 GMDSS 해상용 무전기로 MED 테스트 규격이 요구하는 다양한 특징을 최상의 수준으로 만족하며, 가시성 높은 LCD 화면을 지원하는 가장 우수한 등급의 GMD..

HT944 방폭무전기 [내부링크]

소방 및 구조서비스 분야뿐만 아니라 시추현장과 해운사업등 폭넓은 해상관련 분야에서 그 성능을 인정받아 온 HT 1.0 시리즈를 대체하는 HT2.0 해상용 무전기는 보다 완성도 높고, 안정된 성능을 제공합니다. 엔..

ENTEL - Marine Two-Way Radio [내부링크]

anwjsrl,ENTEL,GMDSS,HT644,HT649,MED,two-way,twowayradio,weather-proof,무전기,방수무전기,MIL STD 810, ATEX, IP68, 엔텔

ENTEL - HT649 / HT644 [내부링크]

anwjsrl,ENTEL,GMDSS,HT644,HT649,MED,two-way,twowayradio,weather-proof,무전기,방수무전기,MIL STD 810, ATEX, IP68, 엔텔

(주)얼라이드이파트 - ALLIED ePARTS CO.,LTD [내부링크]

We, ALLIED ePARTS CO.,LTD (formerly Alphatron) are representative company of AEP Group,who headquartered in Netherlands. We’re dealing with E2V products including magnetron for marine RADAR and li..

SAB-200 SART Batery [내부링크]

GENENAL DATA  Product SAB-200  Description 4 cell shrink wrap pack 4 pin connector  Original Supplier Taiyo-Musen  Hazardous Yes  Sart Type TBR-200/300  Comments SPECIFICATIONS  Nominal volta..

SP3901 Replacement Battery [내부링크]

GENENAL DATA  Product SP3901 Battery  Description Rechargeable battery, 700mAHr  Original Supplier Sailor  Hazardous No  Type Portable Replacement battery  Comments SPECIFICATIONS  Nominal vo..

RT9 (761-008-X010) SART Battery [내부링크]

GENENAL DATA  Product RB9/9V  Description 6 cell shrink wrap pack only. N.B 18V, 2 pin connector  Original Supplier McMurdo  Hazardous Yes  Sart Type RT9-Mk1  Comments Replacement battery SPEC..

CELmar1-1(156.0-162.5MHz) [내부링크]

CELmar1-1 is a lightweight fibreglass omnidirectional antenna. The CELmar1-1 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. CELmar1-1 is sold worldwide during m..

CELmar0-1 (156.0-162.5 MHz) [내부링크]

CELmar0-1 is a stainless steel omnidirectional sailboat antenna. The CELmar0-1 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. The CELmar0-1 is suitable for rail..

CX3 5/8 2.6m 6dB (VHF Antenna) [내부링크]

 구매하러가기 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine antenna, boat antenna, 셀룰러 안테나, 리시빙 안테나, UHF, VHF, AIS, Cellular antenna, HF/SSB, vessel antenna, GSM, CDMA, maritime AIS, mast mount, Rail..

VHF/GPS antenna [내부링크]

 구매하러가기 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine antenna, boat antenna, 셀룰러 안테나, 리시빙 안테나, UHF, VHF, AIS, Cellular antenna, HF/SSB, vessel antenna, GSM, CDMA, maritime AIS, mast mount, Rail..

CX4 1.26m 3dB (VHF Antenna) [내부링크]

 구매하러가기 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine antenna, boat antenna, 셀룰러 안테나, 리시빙 안테나, UHF, VHF, AIS, Cellular antenna, HF/SSB, vessel antenna, GSM, CDMA, maritime AIS, mast mount, Rail..

해상용 초소형 GPS안테나 [내부링크]

 구매하러가기 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine antenna, boat antenna, 셀룰러 안테나, 리시빙 안테나, UHF, VHF, AIS, Cellular antenna, HF/SSB, vessel antenna, GSM, CDMA, maritime AIS, mast mount, Rail..

알파트론코리아(Off Shore)인터뷰-한국해운신문 [내부링크]

알파트론 “모니터링은 오프쇼어 필수” 수요 증가하는 선박 모니터링 장비 선보이며 이목 끌어 해양 전자장비 솔루션업체인 알파트론이 ‘OK2012’에서 다채로운 선박 모니터링 장비를 공개하며 한국시장에서의..

OFFSHORE KOREA 2012 (11/14~16) [내부링크]

세계 최대규모의 해양플랜트 건조시장인 한국에 세계 해양플랜트 선주와 오일메이저를 바이어로, 각 국의 우수한 기술을 보유한 해양기자재업체를 참가기업으로 하는 제 1회 OFFSHORE KOREA 전시회에 저희 알파트..

MG5267 S-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. It is an improved version of the M5063/2J70B and is a direct replacement for the latter, being fully interchangeable both mechanically and electrica..

MG5240 S-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 3050 ± 25 MHz Typical peak output power 60 kW Magnet integral Coupler mates with NATO S.N. 5985-99-083-0058 Electrical Cathode..

MG5240F S-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 3050 ± 25 MHz Typical peak output power 60 kW Magnet integral Coupler mates with NATO S.N. 5985-99-083-0058 Electrical Cathode..

MG5315 S-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 3050 ± 10 MHz Typical peak output power 12 kW Magnet integral Out put No.10 waveguide (2.840 x 1...

MG5314 S-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 3050 ± 10 MHz Typical peak output power 4.9 kW Magnet integral Out put No.10 waveguide (2.840 x 1..

M5199 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Direct replacement for the M5022, being mechanically and electrically interchangeable and tested to the same electrical specification. Under most co..

M5089 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 9415 to 9460 MHz Typical peak output power 30 kW Output no.16 waveguide (22.86 x 10.16 mm internal) Magnet integral Coupler UG-4..

MG5494 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 8900 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 25 kW Output no.16 waveguide (22.86 x 10.16 mm internal) Magnet integral Coupler UG-40..

MG5459 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  GENERAL DATA Electrical Mechanical Operating frequency 9375 ±30 MHz Overall dimensions see Outline Typical peak output power 25 kW Net weight 0.7 kg approx Cathode indirectly heated Mounting pos..

MG5437 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  GENERAL DATA Electrical Mechanical Operating frequency 9410 ±30 MHz Overall dimensions see Outline Typical peak output power 25 kW Net weight 0.7 kg approx Cathode indirectly heated Mounting pos..

MG5424 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  GENERAL DATA Electrical Mechanical Operating frequency 9410 ±30 MHz Overall dimensions see Outline Typical peak output power 25 kW Net weight 0.7 kg approx Cathode indirectly heated Mounting pos..

MG5271 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron, Operating frequency 9375 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 25 kW Magnet integral Out put No.16 waveguide Coupler IEC..

MG5265 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 9475 ± 20 MHz Typical peak output power 30 kW Output no.16 waveguide (22.86 x 10.16 mm internal) Magnet integral Coupler UG-40B..

MG5264 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 25 kW Magnet integral Out put No.16 waveguide (22.86 x 10.16 mm internal) Coupler UG-40..

MG5242T X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 9410± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 25 kW Output no.16 waveguide (22.86 x 10.16 mm internal) Magnet integral Coupler UG-40B/..

MG5239T X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 9375 ± 25 MHz Typical peak output power 25 kW Output no.16 waveguide (22.86 x 10.16 mm internal) Magnet integral Coupler UG-40B..

MG5231T X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 9490 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 25 kW Output no.16 waveguide (22.86 x 10.16 mm internal) Magnet integral Coupler UG-40B..

MG5230T X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 9170 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 25 kW Output no.16 waveguide (22.86 x 10.16 mm internal) Magnet integral Coupler UG-40B..

MG5222 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Direct replacement for the M5039, being mechanically and electrically interchangeable and tested to the same electrical specification.  Under most..

MG5218 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 25 kW Magnet integral Out put No.16 waveguide Coupler IEC..

MG5473 X-band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron, designed for marine radar applications. Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 12.5 kW Magnet in..

MG5258 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron, electically and mechanically interchangeable with M5108. Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power..

M5068 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 9620 to 9680 MHz Typical peak output power 25 kW Output no.16 waveguide (22.86 x 10.16 mm internal) Magnet integral Coupler UG-4..

9M302(->MG4004) X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

Magnetron to replace E2V Magnetron 9M302 4 kW MG4004 4 kW 9M502 6 kW MG4006 6 kW 9M602 12.5 kW MG4010 12.5 kW

MG5233 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron. It is electrically and mechanically interchangeable with M5196F. Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 8.0 kW Ma..

MG5244 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron, Operating frequency 9375 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 12.5 kW Magnet integral Out put No.16 waveguide(0.900x0.400 inch i..

MG5241F X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron  withvery low levels of unwanted emissions. Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 10.0 kW Magne..

MG5245 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron Operating frequency 9375 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 12.5 kW Magnet integral Out put No.16 waveguide(0.900x0.40..

MG5273 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

ABRIDGED DATA rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron, Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 6.0 kW Magnet integral Out put No.16 waveguide(0.900x0.400 inch int..

MG5241 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron  withvery low levels of unwanted emissions. Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 12.5 kW Magne..

MG5389 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

 . Electrical Mechanical Operating frequency 9410 ±30 MHz Overall dimensions see Outline Typical peak output power 6.0 kW Net weight 0.5 kg approx Cathode indirectly heated Mounting position any H..

MG5232F X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron similar to MG5232 but with facilities for using all six mounting holes. Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak..

MG5232 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 6.0 kW Magnet integral Out put No.16 waveguide(0.900x0.400..

MG5255 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron, Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 6.0 kW Magnet integral Out put No.16 waveguide(0.900x0.400 inch in..

MG5256 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron, Operating frequency 9375 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 12.5 kW Magnet integral Out put No.16 waveguide(0.900x0.400 inch i..

MG5257 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron, electically and mechanically interchangeable with 2J42 and M503A. Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power..

MG5388C X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 4.0 kW Magnet integral Coupler IEC UBR100 Electrical Mechani..

MG5388 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 4.0 kW Magnet integral Coupler IEC UBR100 Electrical Mechani..

MG5243 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron Operating frequency 9445 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 4.0 kW Magnet integral Out put No.16 waveguide(0.900x0.400..

MG5251 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

ABRIDGED DATA Lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron. It is electrically and mechanically interchangeable with M5196F. Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 4.0 kW Magn..

Mounting Hardware_3 [내부링크]

안테나별 마운트 및 악세서리 호환도 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine antenna, boat antenna, 셀룰러 안테나, 리시빙 안테나, UHF, VHF, AIS, Cellular antenna, HF/SSB, vessel antenna, GSM, CDMA, maritime A..

Mounting Hardware_2 [내부링크]

안테나별 마운트 및 악세서리 호환도 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine antenna, boat antenna, 셀룰러 안테나, 리시빙 안테나, UHF, VHF, AIS, Cellular antenna, HF/SSB, vessel antenna, GSM, CDMA, maritime A..

Mounting Hardware_1 [내부링크]

안테나별 마운트 및 악세서리 호환도 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine antenna, boat antenna, 셀룰러 안테나, 리시빙 안테나, UHF, VHF, AIS, Cellular antenna, HF/SSB, vessel antenna, GSM, CDMA, maritime A..

H022F/H023F - Delrin Insulator [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description H022F Delrin Insulator, Large - 207 mm  H023F Delrin Insulator, Small - 131 mm. 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine antenna, boat antenna, 셀룰러 안테나, 리시빙 안테나..

N245F - Side mounting clamp [내부링크]

 Parts No. NOTE N245F Side mounting clamp for 31-60 mm (1 1/4”- 2 3/4”) diameter rail or mast. Material: Galvanized steel, bolts nuts and washers stainless steel. 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine..

N110F / N115F [내부링크]

 Parts No. NOTE N110F / N115F Side mast mounting clamp for 50-70 mm (1.7”-2.3”) diameter for KUM803/850/903/950. Material N110F: Galvanized steel. Material N115F: Stainless steel. 관련 키워드 마..

N100F - Clamp [내부링크]

 Parts No. NOTE N100F Clamp for welding KUM803/850/903/950, 240 mm (8”) long and 40 mm (1.3”) wide. Material N100F: Stainless steel. 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine antenna, boat antenna, 셀룰러..

N070F/N075F/N080F/N085F/N090F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description N070F / N075F Side mast mounting clamp for KUM480/600/603/700/703. 30-50 mm (1”- 1.7”) Material N070F: Galvanized steel. Material N075F: Stainless steel. N080F /..

N255F / N225F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description N255F Deck mount for GPS and CEL16 antennas. 1”–14 TPI. Material: Nylon.  N225F Adaptor for GPS Antenna - to be used with 1”–14 TPI mounts. Material: Nylon 관..

N210F / N290F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description N210F Rail mount for GPS & CEL16 for 22-30mm. Material: Nylon.  N290F 4-way mount. For deck or bulkhead mounting. 1”–14 TPI. Material Nylon. 관련 키워드 마린안..

N280-01F / N280-03F / N276F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description N280-01F Adaptor with cable side-fed, double inside 1”–14 TPI.   Material: Chrome Brass.  N280-03F Adaptor with cable side-fed, outside 1¼”–11 TPI TPI and..

N285F / N286F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description N285F 4-way mount. For deck or bulkhead mounting. 1”–14 TPI. Material: Chrome brass.  N286F 4-way mount. For deck or bulkhead mounting. 1”–14 TPI. Material: S..

E179F / N288F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description E179F Deck mount permits the coax cable to be installed directly through the deck eliminating the need for additional cable feed through. 1¼” – 11 TPI pipe thre..

N220F / N293F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description N220F Mast Mount for 1”–14 TPI incl. mounting hardware. Max Ø50mm pipe. Material: Stainless steel.  N293F Mast mount for 1¼”–11 TPI TPI incl. mounting hardw..

N159F / N170F / N171F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description                                                      N159F/N170F/N171F : Angle bracket for mast mount.     ..

N275F / N270F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description N275F Universal mast mount for mounting on top of any support pipe Ø33-40 mm (1 3/8”-1 1/2”)   in diameter. This mount also accommodates side mount up to 58 m..

Antenna Cables [내부링크]

 Parts No. NOTE Cable Different types of connectors and cable sets are available - see pricelist or contact Alphatron. 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine antenna, boat antenna, 셀룰러 안테나, 리시빙..

H001F / H010F / H012F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description H001F Coaxial cable feed through for RG213 cable. Material: Chrome brass.  H010F Coaxial cable feed through for RG58 cable. Material: Chrome brass.  H012F Deck c..

N282F / N280F / N280-03F / N281F / N280-02F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description N282F Adaptor with cable side-fed, double inside 1”–14 TPI.   Material: PVC.  N280F Adaptor with cable side-fed, outside 1¼”–11 TPI and inside 1”–14 TPI...

N253F / N254F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description N253F Rail mount with knob. 1”–14 TPI. For 1”or 7/8” rail. Material : Nylon  N254F Rail mount with handle. 1”–14 TPI. For 1”or 7/8” rail.   Material: Ny..

N249F / N251F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description N249F Rail mount for GPS and CEL16. 1”–14 TPI. Material: Nylon  N251F Rail mount with allen key and stainless steel mounting ring. 1”–14 TPI. For 1”or 7/8”..

N267F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description N267F Power Supply for BB7 and Nawtex3 antennas. 24 VDC in, 12 VDC out. 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine antenna, boat antenna, 셀룰러 안테나, 리시빙 안테나, UHF, VH..

N262F / N265F (For DTV Antenna) [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description N262F 2-way Power Splitter/Power Supply, 12-24 VDC in, 5 VDC out, 100mA.  N265F  Power Supply, 230 VAC in, 5 VDC out, 100mA. 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine anten..

N294F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description N294F Adaptor for 1"–14 TPI antennas. Outside 1"–14 TPI and inside 1¼”–11 TPI. 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine antenna, boat antenna, 셀룰러 안테나, 리시빙 안..

N240F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description N240F Mounting nut for 1¼”–11 TPI TPI. With O-ring and rubber cover. Material: Chrome brass and rubber. 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine antenna, boat antenna, 셀..

N200F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description N200F Adjustable upper support. Provides up to 203mm (8”) of horizontal stand-off adjustment from the bulkhead surface. 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine antenna, bo..

H030F / H040F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description H030F  Stand-off for MF and HF. Material: Delrin.  H040F  Feed through for wire antennas. Material: Delrin. 관련 키워드 마린안테나, marine antenna, boat antenna..

K483F / K487F / K493F / K537F [내부링크]

 Parts No.  General Description  K483F  Connection box for KUM48X, KUM6XX and KUM7XX which is used to connect coaxial  cables for both transmission and reception applications. (1.4MHz – 30 M..

Linac vacuum pumps - Ion pump replacements [내부링크]

Replacement vacuum pumps Linac machines are equipped with vacuum pumps, which need to be serviced after several years of operation. These Ion Getter Pumps are housed in a magnet assembly and can ea..

마그네트론의 원리 및 응용분야와 전망 [내부링크]

마그네트론 발진기 (Magnetron oscillator)는 전기장과 자기장이 서로 수직으로 인가되는 교차장 (Crossed field)이 존재하는 고진공속에서 발생된 전자빔 (Electron beam)의 전기에너지를 고출력 전자기파 (Elec..

Medical Linac Thyratron List [내부링크]

We have an extensive thyratron range, suitable for most LINAC machines. The original equipment manufacturers only approve e2v valves for service replacement. E2V Part No. Peak Anode Voltage Peak C..

E2V 레이더 퍼포먼스 모니터 [내부링크]

E2V Part No. Band B3RX1013 S-Band B3RX1652 X-Band

Linac 마그네트론 & 호환 List [내부링크]

E2V Part No. Frequency (MHz) Peak Power (kW) M5028 2852 - 2861 5500 MG6363 2852 - 2861 5500 MG6028 2852 - 2861 5500 MG5125 2993 - 3002 2000 MG5125P 2993 - 3002 2000 MG5125X 2993 - 3002 2000 MG5167..

M1437A X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

GENERAL DATA Electrical  Heater Voltage(Preheat) Min Typical Max Unit 5.7 6.3 6.9 V  Heater Voltage(Operation) - 3.7(note 1) - V  Preheat time 120 - - S  Peak anode voltage 7.5 8.0 8.5 kV  Rat..

MG5238A X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetrons differing only in cold impedance and heater / cathode connections. the MG5238A and MG5238B are electrically and mechanic..

MG5353 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

TYPICAL OPERATION  Heater voltage Min Typical Max - 6.3 - V  Heater current - 0.6 - A  Pulse duration - 0.9 - ms  Pulse repetition rate - 1000 - pps  Peak anode voltage - 1.9 - kV  Peak anode..

MG4006 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

ABRIDGED DATA Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency pulse magnetron with very low levels of unwanted emissions. Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Typical peak output power 6.0 kW Magnet in..

MG4004 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

GENERAL DATA Electrical  Operating frequency 9410 ± 30 MHz Cathode indirectly heated Heater voltage (see note 1) 6.3 V Heater current at 6.3V (see note 2) 0.5 A Cathode pre-heating time (minimum)..

MG5223 S-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 3050 ± 10 MHz Typical peak output power 30 kW Magnet integral Coupler mates with NATO S.N. 5985-99-083-0058 Electrical Cathode in..

CX1551 Thyratron [내부링크]

ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled tetrode thyratron, featuring low jitter and low anode delay time drift. Suitable for use at high pulse repetition rates, in parallel for switching higher powers, or f..

CX1154 Ceramic Thyratron [내부링크]

ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled tetrode thyratron with ceramic/metal envelope, featuring low jitter, firing time and drift. Suitable for switching high power at high pulse repetition rates or for s..

MG5223F S-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetron. Operating frequency 3050 ± 10 MHz Typical peak output power 30 kW Magnet integral Coupler mates with NATO S.N. 5985-99-083-0058 Electrical Cathode in..

NBB-441 SART Battery [내부링크]

GENENAL DATA  Product  NBB-441  SAB-300  Description  2 cell shrink wrap  Original Supplier  JRC  Taiyo-Musen  Hazardous  Yes  Sart Type  JQX-30A  TBR-600  Comments SPECIFICATIONS  N..

RESCURE SART Battery [내부링크]

GENENAL DATA  Product  Rescuer battery  Description  Original Supplier  Sartech  Hazardous  Yes  Sart Type  Various Type  Comments  Do not recharge  Do not incinerate  Do not short-cir..

LO-KATA SART Battery [내부링크]

GENENAL DATA  Product  LO-KATA Battery  Description  Original Supplier  Sartech  Hazardous  Yes  Sart Type  LO-KATA  Comments  Do not recharge  Do not incinerate SPECIFICATIONS  Nomina..

Marine Radar Magnetron Corss References List [내부링크]

Radar Magnetron Corss References List Equivalent Type Request Type MG5435 2J55 MG5289 2J70A MG5267 2J70B 9M31 9M31 9M40 9M40 9M65 9M502/E3526 9M72 9M72 M1437A M1437A MG5264 9M72 or M1454 MG5256 M13..

M5089T / M5089TC [내부링크]

이번에 소개시켜드릴 마그네트론은 주로 육상용 레이더에 많이 사용되는 M5089T 입니다. 출력은 25kW급이며 주파수 대역은 9415-9460Mhz 대역을 가지고 있습니다. ABRIDGED DATA Fixed frequency pulse magnetro..

CB Marine Antenna [내부링크]

Electrical Specifications Model BB1 NAVTEX3 LORAN Frequency[Mhz] 100Khz -30Mhz 490/518/4209,5KHz - Termination Supplied UHF-Female UHF-Female 3/8"-24 Threads Maximum Power[W] 8-10 VDC(Max 12) 9-12V..

Sartech SP3905 [내부링크]

GENENAL DATA  Product  SP3905 Battery  Description  Primary Lithium battery, 5000mAHr  Emergency battery  Original Supplier  Sailor  Hazardous  Yes  Type  Portable  Replacement battery..

JRC NBB-389 [내부링크]

GENENAL DATA  Product  NBB-389  Description  Lithium-Manganese Dioxide Battery  Original Supplier  JRC  Hazardous  Yes  Type  JHS-7/7E/14  Comments  Emergency battery SPECIFICATIONS  N..

JOTRON TR-20 [내부링크]

GENENAL DATA  Product  TR 20 Rechargeable battery  Description  Original Supplier  JOTRON  Hazardous  No  Type  NiMH Battery  Comments  Do not short circuit  Do not incinerate SPECIFICA..

MG4010 X-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

  GENERAL DATA Electrical Cathode indirectly heated Heater voltage (see note 1) 6.3 V Heater current at 6.3V (see note 2) 0.55 A Cathode pre-heating time (minimum) (see note 3) 60 s Input capacitan..

PM31 / B3RX1626 [내부링크]

PM31/B3RX1626 입니다.

PM51 / B3RX1012 [내부링크]

PM51 / B3RX1012 입니다.

Accessories and magnets for linear accelerator magnetrons [내부링크]

E2V Part No. Used on Description MG6062 MG5125, MG5125P, MG5125X, MG5193, MG6060 Water cooled electromagnet MG6053 MG5349, MG6090 Water cooled electromagnet MG6030 MG5028, MG6028 Water cooled electr..

E2V CX1140LE Hydrogen Thyratrons [내부링크]

CX1140LD를 대처하는 신공정 제품입니다! 알파트론은 상시 재고를 확보하고 있어 빠른 시간안에 딜리버리가 가능합니다! GENERAL DATA Electrical Cathode connected (indirectlyto mid-point of heated) oxide c..

E2V CX1140LD Hydrogen Thyratrons [내부링크]

ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled, fast recovery, tetrode thyratron, specifically designed for operation under medical linac conditions. A reservoir operating from the cathode heater supply is incorpo..

CELseaGSM1 CELseaGSM3 CELfour [내부링크]

CELseaGSM1 and CELseaGSM3 The CELsea series of marine antennas for cellular GSM applications are ruggedly designed to perform in the most demanding environments. Both models feature copper and cop..

Cellular GSM - Marine Antennas [내부링크]

CEL1B, CEL3B and CEL5B The CEL series of marine antennas for cellular applications are ruggedly designed to perform in the most demanding environments. All models feature copper and copper alloy i..

Cellular 1710/1990 and 2400Mhz - Marine Antennas [내부링크]

DCS1, DCS3, PCS3, DCS5, and PCS5 These antennas are designed for Personal Communications Network applications in the 1710 to 1990 MHz band. Premium quality materials are used to prevent galvanic..

HF / SSB Antenna KUM903 KUM950 [내부링크]

KUM903/KUM904/KUM950 The 9m HF antennas are similar in design as the 8m KUM803/KUM850 antennas, but with an extended 1m (3.3’) length. KUM903: 3-section for mast mounting KUM904: 4-section for mas..

HF / SSB Marine Antennas [내부링크]

KUM803/KUM850/KUM1200 The 8m KUM850 and KUM803 are one of the most popular marine HF antennas used for commercial and fishing applications due to the sturdy construction and excellent performance...

HF / SSB KUM700 KUM701 KUM703 KUM731 [내부링크]

KUM700/KUM701/KUM703/KUM731 Four different 7m (22’) HF antennas. These HF/SBB antennas provide an efficient balance between length and performance: KUM700: 2 section for mast mounting KUM703: 3 se..

E2V 8503AG Hydrogen Thyratrons [내부링크]

ABRIDGED DATA Flange mounted ruggedised hydrogen-filled triode thyratron, positive grid, for pulse operation. A hydrogen reservoir is incorporated. Peak output power 2.0 MW max Peak forward anode v..

Sartech Battery pack(선박용배터리) [내부링크]

Sartech code Manu. code Radar System Type Weight Lithium RT160 247-048 Graseby RT160 945 26 406FH/ WH Kanad DEBEG 3540 0 0 RT260 260-035 Graseby Nova McMurdo Plessey Nekon RT260 MCM406 PT280 NC270 3..

HF/SSB KUM600 KUM601 KUM603 [내부링크]

KUM600/KUM601/KUM603 A 6m HF antenna as an alternative to the KUM480/481 and KUM700/701/703/731. The KUM600 and KUM601 are 2-section antennas, where the KUM603 is a 3-section antenna, which makes t..

RF Receivers Parts List(RF 리시버) [내부링크]

E2V Part No. Frequency (MHz) MDS (dBm typical) Noise figure (dB max) Power supplies B3IM16161 9.3 - 9.5 -100 4.7 +15, +5, -15 4 bandwidths, perfomance monitoring, AFC B3IM16171 9.1 - 9.3 -100 4.7 +1..

Noise generators Parts List(노이즈 제너레이터) [내부링크]

E2V Part No. Frequency (MHz) ENR (dB max) Incident power pulsed, 1µs (kW max) Power supplies B3NG1639 8.8 - 9 15 60 +21 V, 0 - 25 mA Waveguide (WG16) cal. frequency 8900 GHz B3NG1641 9.3 - 9.5 15 6..

Front ends Parts List(프론트엔드) [내부링크]

E2V Part No. Frequency (MHz) Gain (dB min) Noise figure (dB max) Power supplies B7RX1001 3.02 - 3.08 6 3 +12 V, Vr 4 - 24 V IF output BNC female, filtered power supplies B7RX1002 3.02 - 3.08 6 3 +..

Circulators Parts List(서큘레이터) [내부링크]

 e2v technologies manufacture Ferrite Devices operation from 350 MHz to 120 GHz, for a wide variety of applications from low cost marine radar to state-of-the-art military devices. Standard units..

E2V Magnetron List [내부링크]

Part No. Frequency (MHz) Peak Power (kW) Peak Anode Voltage (kV) Peak Anode Current (A) MG5315 3040 - 3060 12 5.8 5 MG5223F 3040 - 3060 30 8 8 MG5267 3025 - 3075 56 9 15 MG5240 3025 - 3075 60 9.3 1..

Limiters Parts List(리미터) [내부링크]

E2V Part No. Frequency (MHz) Peak Power (kW) STC Attenuation (dB) Length (mm) B3LT1612 9300 - 9500 10 35 B3LT1008 3020 - 3080 30 30 55 B3LT1014B 3020 - 3080 30 112 B3LT1014 3020 - 3080 30 74 BS169..

HF / SSB KUM480 KUM481 Antennas [내부링크]

KUM480/KUM481 The 4.8m (16’) HF/SSB antenna balances length with performance. A 2-section construction. The KUM480 is for mast mounting, and the KUM481 for mounting directly on 1”-14 threaded mou..


GENERAL DATA Electrical Operating frequency 9410 +- 30 MHz Typical peak outputcpower 25 kW Cathode indirectly heated Heater voltage (see note 1) 6.3 V Heater current at 6.3V (see note 2) 0.5 A Ca..

GPS Antennas [내부링크]

Electrical Specifications  Model GPS VHF/GPS  Frequency Range - [MHz] 1575.42 156-162.5/1575.42  Supply Voltage [VDC] 3.0-5.5 3.0-5.0  Power Rating VHF [Watt]  – 35W  VSWR < 2:1 < 2:1  Gain..

VHF / Cellular Antennas [내부링크]

CELtwin1 and CELtwin2 A dual band antenna where, with help of a filter only one antenna covers 2 frequency bands in marine VHF and cellular. Especially useful when limited space is available. The..

E2V MG5193 Tunable S-Band Magnetron [내부링크]

GENERAL DATA Electrical Mechanical Frequency range (cooling water 40˚C) 2993 to 3002 MHz Output to no.10(WR284) waveguide (72.14 x 34.04 mm internal) Peak output power 2.6 MW Overall dimensions se..

VHF Antennas 2 [내부링크]

선박용 VHF안테나 입니다. 해외에서 더욱 유명하며 국내산과 품질비교 자체를 거부합니다. 최상급의 안테나 ACmarine의 제품으로 선택하세요!

VHF Antennas 1 [내부링크]

어선과 낚시배, 상선 등에서 가장 많이 사용되는 CX4 VHF안테나 입니다. 국내 어떤 안테나보다 성능면에서는 입증을 받은 제품이며 유럽에서 더 유명합니다. 현재 저희 중국지사 의 베스트 셀러 제품입니다.

CELmar VHF Antennas [내부링크]

CELmar0-1 Stainless steel sailboat antenna, suitable for rail or mast mounting. CELmar1-1 Lightweight fibreglass antenna. The CELmar1-1 is also available in a special optimized AIS version. CELmar..

E2V 8503AF Hydrogen Thyratron(사이렉트론) [내부링크]

ABRIDGED DATA Flange mounted hydrogen-filled triode thyratron, positive grid, for pulse operation. A hydrogen reservoir is incorporated. The tube is ruggedised to meet the requirements of airborne..

Alphatron Medical Linac (선형가속기) [내부링크]

Alphatron Electronic Parts B.V. and e2v technologies have formed a strategic partnership for after sales support of linear accelerator tube spares. For the customers, hospitals, this means there's..

E2V (EEV) Radar components [내부링크]

As the sole and global distributor of EEV marine radar magnetrons and components, we stock all the marine radar products made by the manufacturer of EEV marine radar products, e2v technologies Ltd...