yang95의 등록된 링크

 yang95로 등록된 티스토리 포스트 수는 3건입니다.

201129 (Tue) [내부링크]

Morning Study - Python (윤성우의 열혈 파이썬 중급편, written by Sungwoo Yoon, published by Orange Media) Story 20: enumerate and comparison of string Story 21: string formatting by expressions Study - Aerodynamics (Fundamentals of Aerodynamics—Fifth edition, written by JD Anderson, published by McGraw-Hill) Chapter 4: Incompressible Flow over Airfoils, 4.8 The Cambered Airfoil ~ 4.11 Modern Low-Speed Airfoi..

221128 (Mon) [내부링크]

Morning Study - Python (윤성우의 열혈 파이썬 중급편, written by Sungwoo Yoon, published by Orange Media) Story 18: Classification of data type and set & frozenset Story 19: Sorting algorithm Study - Aerodynamics (Fundamentals of Aerodynamics—Fifth edition, written by JD Anderson, published by McGraw-Hill) Chapter 4: Incompressible Flow over Airfoils, 4.1 Introduction ~ 4.7 Classical Thin Airfoil Theory: The..

Dataset Preprocessing [내부링크]

This is the first day to get access to the dataset, of which the original owner is Hyunsoo Kim, Ph. D. candidate in Aerospace Vehicle Design Laboratory (AVDL). >> Click here for the link to AVDL: http://avdl.snu.ac.kr/ A detailed description of this dataset will be provided in later posts since this post is the mere preliminary test for coding the input/output preprocess of the dataset. Moreover..