ystc1247의 등록된 링크

 ystc1247로 등록된 티스토리 포스트 수는 14건입니다.

Example implementation of a Spring Security File [내부링크]

@Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { @Autowired private CustomUserDetailsService customUserDetailsService; @Autowired private CustomAuthenticationProvider customAuthenticationProvider; @Autowired private CustomAccessDeniedHandler customAccessDeniedHandler; @Autowired private CustomAuthenticationSuccessHandler customAuthenticationSuc..

Introduction to OS [내부링크]

OS : What helps softwares run well in a hardware CPU: - ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) CISC vs RISC RISC had decreased number of instructions, it reduced the complexity, resulting in high speed and CPU Clock. - Pipelining Fetch | Decode | Execute | Write Back Mainly used for enhancing performance by executing multiple instructions at once, which is called pipelining. - Instruction Level Para..

OSI 7 Layer [내부링크]

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a conceptual framework used to describe the communication functions of a network. It consists of seven layers, each of which represents a specific function in the communication process. The seven layers of the OSI model, from bottom to top, are: Physical Layer: Deals with the physical characteristics of the communication medium, such as voltage lev..

CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access) [내부링크]

FDMA and TDMA seemed pretty intuitive, but studying CDMA seemed like a slightly more higher level then both. Some key terms in CDMA is Data Representation and the Chip Sequence. The The chip sequence is a short binary code, often just a few bits long, and is unique to each user in the network. In data representation, each data bit is represented by a long sequence of chips, which are produced by..

Packets and Frames [내부링크]

In computer networking, a packet is a unit of data that is routed between an origin and a destination on the internet. A packet contains two types of information: control information, which contains the source and destination addresses, and payload data, which contains the actual data being sent. On the other hand, a frame is a unit of data that is used for data transmission between two devices ..

IFS [내부링크]

IFS - Inter-Frame Spacing is a parameter used in Ethernet, and it represents the minimum amount of time between two transmissions. If there is no IFS between the transmissions, it is likely to cause a collision error - which might be a cause of corrupted data. In this flow, the IFS is used after the decision of whether the channel is free and the CTS(Clear to send) is received before the time-ou..

JpaAuditing [내부링크]

I was having this issue on the createdAt and modifiedAt not being created automatically upon posting a new entity. It had worked flawlessly in my previous project, yet when I tried to post a new entity in a postman test, it gave me the 500 Internal Server Error. package com.keyworld.projectboard.domain; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.ToString; import org.springframework.data.annotation.Crea..

04/06 Mentoring 배성민 멘토 [내부링크]

This is the third mentoring in SWMaestro. It was the first mentoring that was not a orientation or a brief conference of the SWMaestro precess. The main theme was "Career Design Mentoring". This was mainly on the employment process of IT companies in Korea. It is a rare topic of mentoring since the SWMaestro process mainly focuses on the foundation of start up IT companies. Another uncommon thin..

SWMaestro 14기 합격 회고 [내부링크]

기술 포스트는 영어 위주로 작성하려 했으나, 이후 기수들이나 후배들에게 조금이나마 도움이 될 수 있을까 싶어 합격 회고는 한글로 작성한다. SWMaestro는 BOB와 함께 신입생 때부터 선배들에게 들어왔던 인재 양성 과정이다. 저번 기수의 지원기간에는 알고리즘 능력도, 프로젝트의 질도 턱없이 모자랐기에 지원서를 쓰던 도중 14기를 기약했던 기억이 난다. 올해는 프로젝트를 숙지하고 면접을 견고하게 준비하면 합격하기에 최적의 시기라고 생각했다. 1차 코딩 테스트 Programmers에서 2시간동안 시험을 치뤘는데, 서버가 터진건지 1차는 무효가 됐다. 알고리즘 4문제 + SQL 1문제 구성이었다. 간단한 문제 유형과 백준 예상 티어, C++ pseudocode 를 적어본다. 1번 : 그냥 단순구현 (실2)..

Some terms frequently used in networking [내부링크]

To be continuously added in study RTS (Request To Send) : signal that a device sends to another device to request permission to transmit data. CTS (Clear To Send) : signal that a device sends back to the requesting device to indicate that the channel is clear and the requesting device can now transmit data. ACK (Acknowledgement) : signal that a receiving device sends to a transmitting device to ..

04/05 Mentoring 박정규 멘토 [내부링크]

This is the second mentoring of SWMaestro. Not alike many mentors who had experienced various companies, this mentor was in the IT industry in just one, LG CNS. I applied mainly because his notion resume stated experience on chatGPT prompt engineering and Finetuning projects, a subject I was keen on lately - openAI API .. Like the mentoring just before, the mentor excelled in B/E programming, es..

Linear / Polynomial Regression Model [내부링크]

Importing Packages from random import random as rand import random import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline Loading Dataset # Random seed random.seed(1234) # Generate 2-dimensional data points X = [rand() * i * 0.5 - 20 for i in range(0, 100)] y = [x ** 3 * 0.002 - x ** 2 * 0.005 + x * 0.003 + rand() * 5 for x in X] print(len(X), len(y)) Random Sampling + Visualizati..

04/04 Mentoring 김준범 멘토 [내부링크]

This was the first mentoring I applied to in SWMaestro. I didn't know that the mentor was the lead interviewer in the final process of my selection. He had asked me about the generalization of the database and various other questions on the project I had submitted in me resume - the effects the number of entities have on the performance of the database, attributes used to join columns etc.. The ..

First Article [내부링크]

This is the first post on my blog. It is 2023/04/05, the posts will be mainly on IT and Computer Engineering. I am initiating the blog to keep track on my studies, and the projects from SWMaestro. I will be alternating between English and Korean for needs.