

Who the hell does she think she is?지가뭐라도되는줄알아??It can be spun... for the purpose of gaining trust,신뢰를얻기위해 시간을끄는걸거에요it may have been the right tactical move.전략적인 움직임일거라구요.And do you believe, for 1 nanosecond,that was at the forefront of her mind...when she told him to take hisbusiness and shove it up his gun barrel?자네가생각하기엔 의원앞에서 총로비건을그렇게 헤집을때, 단 1초라도 그녀머리에그런생각이있었다고 믿나?Candice, I want Sloane in my office now!캔디스 당장 슬로운불러!She's good, isn't she? 일잘하죠?You'll look at the numbers. ..........

원문링크 : 미스슬로운_22일차