토익 (TOEIC) 오답노트 5 -1

토익 (TOEIC) 오답노트 5 -1

reinburse : 배상[변제]하다 We will reimburse any expenses incurred. 발생하는 모든 비용은 저희가 배상해 드립니다. inburse - (드물게) 돈을 모으다.

지불하다. RVSP : Reply Very Soon Please invoice : 송장(送狀), (물품 대금작업비 등의) 청구서 (=bill) (물품 대금작업비 등의) 청구서[송장]를 보내다.

Questions 158 - 160 refer to the following information Factory Staff : Break times Full-time factory staff are entitled to three breaks daily and are encouraged to use them. Please attend to any personal business during these break time. - [1] -.

Those who work a full eight-hour ...

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원문링크 : 토익 (TOEIC) 오답노트 5 -1