영어회화, 토익 TOEIC Listening Part 4

영어회화, 토익 TOEIC Listening Part 4

1. ~ 3 The next item on our agenda is the upcoming visit to our company by colleagues from our branch office in Germany. They're coming to get trained on the new software we recently purchased.

They'll be prticipating in this training with all of our staff here. While they're here they're also interested in touring the city.

We're looking for volunteers to show them around. If you're interested in helping with this, please send me an e-mail after today's meeting.

Be sure to include your availabi...

#강연 #신원 #용품 #위성 #음역 #의약품 #장비 #천문학 #초록 #추수철 #축구 #출생 #트랙터 #트레일러 #신분 #수확량 #거리 #경보기 #곡물 #노트 #농작물 #담요 #데이터 #등록 #땡땡이 #발췌 #별자리 #사망 #성좌 #혼인

원문링크 : 영어회화, 토익 TOEIC Listening Part 4